How to use a gift card
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Gift cards
We have a gift card for the whole team (number of players is unlimited) for online games and four types of gift cards for offline games: for 2, 4, 6 and 9 people.
You can also purchase a gift card that lets one person play several games. If you love someone that much that you're ready to get them hooked on Quiz, please! through 3, 4 or even 5 games - this option is perfect.
How to use a gift card
Easy breezy. Each gift card has a unique number that lets teams register. The gift card will either be redeemed automatically or you can bring it to the game.
Easy breezy. Each gift card has a unique number that lets teams register. The gift card will either be redeemed automatically or you can bring it to the game.
Need to get in touch? Give us a call, send us an email or slide in our social media DMs - whatever works for you! Just let us know what type of gift card you need. You can exchange a real gift card for cash in our office or at the game. We can also deliver the gift card to you (shipping will be chargeable) or send it via email.
Gift card due date
It's indefinite! As long as Quiz, please! exists you will be able to play using a gift card.
Should I activate the gift card?
No need to activate a gift card.
To use an online game gift card, simply choose a game on the website and specify its unique number during registration.
To use an offline game gift card, simply choose a game on the website and specify its unique number during registration.
How many people are allowed on each team?
Online games don't have a limit on the number of people in a team - you can play alone or invite everyone you know.
Bar games only permit 2-9 people per team. If the gift card allows four people to play for free, then the rest of the team will need to pay for participation. Important - don't forget to take the gift card with you to the game (you can also show us a picture of the gift card on your phone) and make sure you show it to the hostess at the entrance.
Can my friend/wife/evil twin play using my gift card?